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mathematics:mathematics_i [2024/12/18 13:59] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_i [2025/01/03 12:17] (aktuální) Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 68: Řádek 68:
   * Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1996   * Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1996
-  * Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, updated electronic version {{:mathematics:scr_m1a1.pdf|Part I}}, {{:mathematics:scr_m1a2.pdf|Part II}}+  * Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, updated electronic version {{:mathematics:scr_m1a1.pdf|Part I}}, {{:mathematics:scr_m1a2.pdf|Part II}}, {{:mathematics:scr_m1a3.pdf|Part III-old version}}
   * Neustupa, J. and Kračmar, S.: Problems in Mathematics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1999   * Neustupa, J. and Kračmar, S.: Problems in Mathematics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1999
   * {{::m1_selected_problems.pdf|Selected problems}} from the textbook Problems in Mathematics I    * {{::m1_selected_problems.pdf|Selected problems}} from the textbook Problems in Mathematics I 
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/attic/mathematics/mathematics_i.1734530381.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2024/12/18 13:59 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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