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mathematics:mathematics_ii [2020/03/16 10:20] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_ii [2020/03/16 17:33] Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 3: Řádek 3:
 __**NEW:  Due to coronavirus quarantine measures, the courses of Mathematics II will be held temporarily at distance, using electronic communication only.**__ __**NEW:  Due to coronavirus quarantine measures, the courses of Mathematics II will be held temporarily at distance, using electronic communication only.**__
 === Virus teaching regime: === === Virus teaching regime: ===
-  * The primary communication channel is the email. We will contact you via your official email you have in KOS system. You may also use our email to contact us with anything related our courses (asking questions, requesting extra study material, sending your completed homeworks).+  * The primary communication channel is the email. We will contact you via your official email you have in KOS system. You may also use our email to contact us with anything related to our courses (asking questions, requesting extra study material, sending your completed homeworks).
   * All the essential information and course materials will be published at this webpage. You will be notified of changes.   * All the essential information and course materials will be published at this webpage. You will be notified of changes.
-  * A new, emergency communication channel for each course (subject) is set up at the university using Microsoft Teams platform. It can be used for online chat-like communication with teachers during the usual course hours according to standard schedule of the subject.+  * A new, emergency communication channel for each course (subject) is set up at the university using [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform. It can be used for online chat-like communication with teachers during the usual course hours according to standard schedule of the subject.
 **New information will be published here on Monday, March 16, 2020 !** **New information will be published here on Monday, March 16, 2020 !**
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/pages/mathematics/mathematics_ii.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/05/10 08:17 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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