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mathematics:mathematics_ii [2021/02/08 12:16] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_ii [2022/02/14 11:47] Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
 ====== Mathematics II ====== ====== Mathematics II ======
-__**Due to coronavirus quarantine measures, the courses of Mathematics II will be held temporarily at distance, using electronic communication only.**__ 
-=== Virus teaching regime: === 
-  * The primary communication channel is the email. We will contact you via your official email you have in KOS system. You may also use our email to contact us with anything related to our courses (asking questions, requesting extra study material, sending your completed homeworks). 
-  * All the essential information and course materials will be published at this webpage. You will be notified of changes. 
-  * A new, emergency communication channel for each course (subject) is set up at the university using [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a714b09bc0d6a464e9af37957d533b42d%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8c0f32b9-198a-4c06-9f27-18be24870b1b&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform. It can be used for //online chat-like communication with teachers during the usual course hours// according to standard schedule of the subject. 
-The [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a714b09bc0d6a464e9af37957d533b42d%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8c0f32b9-198a-4c06-9f27-18be24870b1b&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Team]] was created, for online consultations.  
-Textbook material for implicit functions, Riemann, double, triple, line and surface integral, together with potential fields chapter was added to the webpage. 
-General study advices and rules for the emergency online study regime can be found in  
-{{ :mathematics:ma2en_study_advices.pdf | Study advices}} 
-=== Assessment requirements: === 
-**The delivery of all sample exams (completely and correctly solved) is necessary condition for obtaining the assessment from tutorials.** Sample exam tests: {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_1n_en.pdf |Exam 1}}, {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_2n_en.pdf |Exam 2}}, {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_3n_en.pdf |Exam 3}}.  
-The homeworks solutions will be delivered in three parts (by chapters). The deadlines will be set during the semester by the tutorials teacher. __Students who will fail in any of the three parts of the homework will not obtain the assessment from tutorials (and can't participate in the exam).__ 
-__Any homeworks that will either be incorrect, evidently just copied from someone else, or submitted after the deadline might be rejected. Please be careful, pay attention to your homework and deliver it in time, correctly solved and written.__ 
-For additional explanation, clarification and extra material contact the Lecture/Tutorial teacher by email or the [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform for online consultation. You can post your questions and request anytime. The teachers will respond as quickly as possible. For //online live chat use the standard course hours// according to usual schedule. Ask for other extra consultations if needed. We will do our best to help you. 
 This course is intended for foreign students studying at our faculty and domestic students who registered for this subject in their study plan.  This course is intended for foreign students studying at our faculty and domestic students who registered for this subject in their study plan. 
Řádek 39: Řádek 9:
 Multiple integrals - double and triple integral, Fubini's theorem, applications Multiple integrals - double and triple integral, Fubini's theorem, applications
 Line integral, surface integral, Gauss theorem, potential. Line integral, surface integral, Gauss theorem, potential.
-  * {{ :mathematics:ma2_2021_requirements_a.pdf | Requirements - Level A(Alpha)}} in academic year 2020/2021 +  * {{ :mathematics:ma2_2022_requirements_a.pdf | Requirements - Level A(Alpha)}} in academic year 2021/2022 
-  * {{ :mathematics:ma2_2021_requirements_b.pdf | Requirements - Level B(Beta)}} in academic year 2020/2021+  * {{ :mathematics:ma2_2022_requirements_b.pdf | Requirements - Level B(Beta)}} in academic year 2021/2022
Řádek 47: Řádek 17:
 [[Tomas.Bodnar@fs.cvut.cz|doc. Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, Ph.D.]],  Office: KN:D-303\\ [[Tomas.Bodnar@fs.cvut.cz|doc. Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, Ph.D.]],  Office: KN:D-303\\
-   * lectures: Monday, 10:45 12:15 and Friday 12:30 14:00+   * lectures: Monday, 14:15-15:45 and Thursday 10:45 12:15
 [[Hynek.Reznicek@fs.cvut.cz|Mgr. Hynek Řezníček ]],  Office: KN:D-205b [[Hynek.Reznicek@fs.cvut.cz|Mgr. Hynek Řezníček ]],  Office: KN:D-205b
-   * lectures: Wednesday 16:00-17:30 and Friday 16:00 17:30.  +   * lectures: Wednesday 9:00-10:30 and Friday 10:45 12:15.  
 In the case of any problem (especially with assessments from tutorials, or with exams) contact your teacher.  In the case of any problem (especially with assessments from tutorials, or with exams) contact your teacher. 
Řádek 88: Řádek 58:
 */ */
-The detailed information will be made available at the end of semester in the //Notice of exams// from Mathematics II for the academic year 2019/20+The detailed information will be made available at the end of semester in the //Notice of exams// from Mathematics II for the academic year 2021/22
 /* //The detailed information is available in the {{ :mathematics:ma2_2019_exams.pdf |Notice of exams}} from Mathematics II for the academic year 2018/19.// */ /* //The detailed information is available in the {{ :mathematics:ma2_2019_exams.pdf |Notice of exams}} from Mathematics II for the academic year 2018/19.// */
Řádek 100: Řádek 70:
 /* /*
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_01-23.pdf |Functions of multiple variables pages_01-23}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_01-23.pdf |Functions of multiple variables pages_01-23}}
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_24-33.pdf |Implicit functions pages_24-33}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_24-33.pdf |Implicit functions pages_24-33}}
Řádek 108: Řádek 80:
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_84-103.pdf |Surface integral pages_84-103}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_84-103.pdf |Surface integral pages_84-103}}
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_104-118.pdf |Potential and solenoidal fields pages_104-118}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_104-118.pdf |Potential and solenoidal fields pages_104-118}}
 */ */
 === Examples: === === Examples: ===
Řádek 131: Řádek 104:
 === Timetable: === === Timetable: ===
-{{ :mathematics:schedule_ma2_2021.png?820 |}}+{{ :mathematics:schedule_ma2_2022.png?820 |}}
 [[:predmet|<-back]] [[:predmet|<-back]]
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/pages/mathematics/mathematics_ii.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/05/10 08:17 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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