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mathematics:mathematics_ii [2022/02/17 09:22] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_ii [2022/04/26 10:50] Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 54: Řádek 54:
 These conditions will be followed strictly, without any exceptions.  These conditions will be followed strictly, without any exceptions. 
-/* __//Dates of exams: Thursday 30.5., 6.6., 13.6., 20.6., 27.6., and 12. 9. 2019.//__ */+ __//Dates of exams: Thursday 26.5., 2.6., 9.6., 16.6., 23.6., and 8.9. 2022.//__ 
 /* /*
Řádek 60: Řádek 60:
 */ */
 The detailed information will be made available at the end of semester in the //Notice of exams// from Mathematics II for the academic year 2021/22.  The detailed information will be made available at the end of semester in the //Notice of exams// from Mathematics II for the academic year 2021/22. 
-/* //The detailed information is available in the {{ :mathematics:ma2_2019_exams.pdf |Notice of exams}} from Mathematics II for the academic year 2018/19.// */+//The detailed information is available in the {{ :mathematics:ma2_2022_exams.pdf |Notice of exams}} from Mathematics II for the academic year 2021/22.// 
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/pages/mathematics/mathematics_ii.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/05/10 08:17 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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