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mathematics:mathematics_ii [2020/03/29 16:53] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_ii [2020/10/07 13:34] Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 7: Řádek 7:
   * A new, emergency communication channel for each course (subject) is set up at the university using [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform. It can be used for //online chat-like communication with teachers during the usual course hours// according to standard schedule of the subject.   * A new, emergency communication channel for each course (subject) is set up at the university using [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform. It can be used for //online chat-like communication with teachers during the usual course hours// according to standard schedule of the subject.
-**The [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Team]] was created, for online consultations. Textbook material for implicit functions, Riemann, double and triple integral was added to the webpage.**+The [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Team]] was created, for online consultations. Textbook material for implicit functions, Riemann, doubletriple, line and surface integral, together with potential fields chapter was added to the webpage.
Řádek 13: Řádek 13:
 {{ :mathematics:ma2en_study_advices.pdf | Study advices}} {{ :mathematics:ma2en_study_advices.pdf | Study advices}}
-== Essential weekly information for regular study ==+=== Exams === 
 +**NEW:** {{mathematics:exams_final.pdf|Final exams}} - **the last exams from Mathematics II A/B will be organized individually (between August 24 and September 10, 2020) depending on time availability of each student. Please contact [[Tomas.Bodnar@fs.cvut.cz|doc. Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, Ph.D.]] by email to negotiate your examination date and time.** 
 +Preliminary information on organization of exams during the emergency situation can be found in {{:mathematics:exams_update.pdf|here}}. This file may be updated (check the date at the beginning). Keep watching your official email and MS Teams channel. Detailed {{:mathematics:exam_rules.pdf|examination rules}} were published on Tuesday, May 19. 
 +The regular exam from Mathematics II A/B will take a place on Monday, May 25, 2020. For those students who will fail at their first attempt, the second chance will be on June 8, 2020. 
 +=== Essential weekly information for regular study ===
   * //Week:// March 9 - March 15, 2020 - //Topic:// Implicit functions {{ :mathematics:ma2en_implicit_functions.pdf | Implicit functions}}   * //Week:// March 9 - March 15, 2020 - //Topic:// Implicit functions {{ :mathematics:ma2en_implicit_functions.pdf | Implicit functions}}
   * //Week:// March 16 - March 22, 2020 - //Topic:// Double integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_double_integral.pdf | Double integral}}   * //Week:// March 16 - March 22, 2020 - //Topic:// Double integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_double_integral.pdf | Double integral}}
   * //Week:// March 23 - March 29, 2020 - //Topic:// Triple integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_triple_integral.pdf | Triple integral}}   * //Week:// March 23 - March 29, 2020 - //Topic:// Triple integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_triple_integral.pdf | Triple integral}}
-  * //Week:// March 30 - April 5, 2020 - //Topic:// Applications+  * //Week:// March 30 - April 5, 2020 - //Topic:// Applications {{ :mathematics:ma2en_applications.pdf | Applications}} 
 +  * //Week:// April 6 - April 12, 2020 - //Topic:// Line integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_line_integral.pdf | Line integral}} 
 +  * //Week:// April 13 - April 19, 2020 - //Topic:// Applications and potential  {{ :mathematics:ma2en_potential_fields.pdf | Applications and potential}} 
 +  * //Week:// April 20 - April 26, 2020 - //Topic:// Surface integral {{ :mathematics:ma2en_surface_integral.pdf | Surface integral}} 
 +  * //Week:// April 27 - May 3, 2020 - //Topic:// Applications and integral theorems {{ :mathematics:ma2en_applications_theorems.pdf | Applications and theorems}} 
 +  * //Week:// May 4 - May 10, 2020 - //Topic:// Review - Part I. {{ :mathematics:ma2en_review_I.pdf | Review - Part I.}} 
 +  * //Week:// May 11 - May 17, 2020 - //Topic:// Review - Part II. {{ :mathematics:ma2en_review_II.pdf | Review - Part II.}} 
 +  * //Week:// May 18 - May 24, 2020 - //Topic:// Review - Part III. {{ :mathematics:ma2en_review_III.pdf | Review - Part III.}} 
 +=== Assessment requirements: === 
 +**The delivery of all sample exams (completely and correctly solved) is necessary condition for obtaining the assessment from tutorials.** Sample exam tests: {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_1_en.pdf |Exam 1}}, {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_2_en.pdf |Exam 2}}, {{ :mathematics:ma2_exam_3_en.pdf |Exam 3}}  
 +__Any homeworks that will either be incorrect, evidently just copied from someone else, or submitted after the deadline might be rejected. Please be careful, pay attention to your homework and deliver it in time, correctly solved and written.__ __**The final deadline for homework delivery is May 17, 2020**__ 
 +//If you have some part of the assessment homework done, please scan it to PDF and send it to us by email. __Don’t wait and leave it at the end of semester!__  
-=== NEW Timetable (since March 23, 2020): ===+=== Timetable (since March 23, 2020): ===
 Yellow: Lectures,   Green: Tutorials Yellow: Lectures,   Green: Tutorials
 {{ :mathematics:rozvrh_prestavky.png?820 |}} {{ :mathematics:rozvrh_prestavky.png?820 |}}
-For additional explanation, clarification and extra material contact the Lecture/Tutorial teacher by email or the [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Team]] platform for online consultation. You can post your questions and request anytime. The teachers will respond as quickly as possible. For //online live chat use the standard course hours// according to usual schedule. Ask for other extra consultations if needed. We will do our best to help you.+For additional explanation, clarification and extra material contact the Lecture/Tutorial teacher by email or the [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a9faa9277f4524373806b921e2a43651e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=49fbdc73-45c5-44a4-9bac-4f27c645b22f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8 | Microsoft Teams]] platform for online consultation. You can post your questions and request anytime. The teachers will respond as quickly as possible. For //online live chat use the standard course hours// according to usual schedule. Ask for other extra consultations if needed. We will do our best to help you.
 ---- ----
Řádek 92: Řádek 124:
 === Literature: === === Literature: ===
   * Neustupa, J., Kračmar S.: Mathematics II, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1996,    * Neustupa, J., Kračmar S.: Mathematics II, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1996, 
 +  * Finney, R. L., Thomas, G.B.: Calculus, Addison-Wesley, New York, Ontario, Sydney, 1994
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_24-33.pdf |Implicit functions pages_24-33}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_24-33.pdf |Implicit functions pages_24-33}}
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_34-47.pdf |Riemann integral pages_34-47}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_34-47.pdf |Riemann integral pages_34-47}}
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_48-57.pdf |Double integral pages_48-56}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_48-57.pdf |Double integral pages_48-56}}
   * {{ :mathematics:pages_56-69.pdf |Triple integral pages_56-69}}   * {{ :mathematics:pages_56-69.pdf |Triple integral pages_56-69}}
-  * Finney, RL., Thomas, G.B.: Calculus, Addison-Wesley, New York, Ontario, Sydney, 1994 +  * {{ :mathematics:pages_70-83.pdf |Line integral pages_70-83}} 
 +  * {{ :mathematics:pages_84-103.pdf |Surface integral pages_84-103}} 
 +  * {{ :mathematics:pages_104-118.pdf |Potential and solenoidal fields pages_104-118}} 
 === Examples: === === Examples: ===
 The //Collection of examples from Mathematics II// written in Czech by authors E. Brožíková, M. Kittlerová and F. Mráz (2016) contains both examples and their solutions. Here you find several parts translated in English. The examples in English have the same numbering but they are without solutions (corresponding solution you can find in the Czech version, which is in the brackets). English translations will be added gradually. By the star (*) are denoted the examples, which go beyond the requirements of the exam this year.  The //Collection of examples from Mathematics II// written in Czech by authors E. Brožíková, M. Kittlerová and F. Mráz (2016) contains both examples and their solutions. Here you find several parts translated in English. The examples in English have the same numbering but they are without solutions (corresponding solution you can find in the Czech version, which is in the brackets). English translations will be added gradually. By the star (*) are denoted the examples, which go beyond the requirements of the exam this year. 
Řádek 108: Řádek 145:
   * {{::triple_integral.pdf|Triple integral}} [{{::trojny_integral.pdf|Trojný integrál}}]   * {{::triple_integral.pdf|Triple integral}} [{{::trojny_integral.pdf|Trojný integrál}}]
   * {{::line_integral_1.pdf|Line integral}} [{{::krivkovy_integral_komplet.pdf|Křivkový integrál}}]   * {{::line_integral_1.pdf|Line integral}} [{{::krivkovy_integral_komplet.pdf|Křivkový integrál}}]
-  * {{::surface_integral.pdf|Surface integral}} [{{::plosny_integral_skalarni_funkce.pdf|Plošný integrál}}]+  * {{::surface_integral.pdf|Surface integral}} [{{::19plosny-skalar.pdf|Skalární}}] [{{::plosny_integral_vektor_pole.pdf|Vektorový}}]
   * Divergence theorem [{{::veta_gauss_ostrogradsky.pdf|Gaussova-Ostrogradského věta}}]   * Divergence theorem [{{::veta_gauss_ostrogradsky.pdf|Gaussova-Ostrogradského věta}}]
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/pages/mathematics/mathematics_ii.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/05/10 08:17 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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