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mathematics:mathematics_i [2017/10/01 17:17] Tomáš Bodnármathematics:mathematics_i [2017/10/01 17:18] Tomáš Bodnár
Řádek 4: Řádek 4:
 === Content: === === Content: ===
-Introduction to linear algebra - vectors, vector spaces, matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations. Analytic geometry in E3 - straight lines and planes. Calculus of functions of one variable - limit, continuity, derivative, extremes, behaviour of a function, indefinite integral, methods of integration, definite integral.+Introduction to linear algebra - vectors, vector spaces, matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations. Analytic geometry in E3 - straight lines and planes. Calculus of functions of single variable - limit, continuity, derivative, extrema, behaviour of a function, indefinite integral, methods of integration, definite integral.
   * {{ :mathematics:ma1_2017_requirements_a.pdf|Preliminary plan}} of lectures (level Alpha) in academic year 2017/18   * {{ :mathematics:ma1_2017_requirements_a.pdf|Preliminary plan}} of lectures (level Alpha) in academic year 2017/18
Řádek 11: Řádek 11:
 === Lecturers === === Lecturers ===
-[[tomas.bodnar@fs.cvut.cz|Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, PhD.]],  Office: KN:D-303+[[tomas.bodnar@fs.cvut.cz|Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, Ph.D.]],  Office: KN:D-303
   * lectures: Monday, 15:00 - 16:30 and Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30.   * lectures: Monday, 15:00 - 16:30 and Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30.
 [[tomas.neustupa@fs.cvut.cz|RNDr. Tomáš Neustupa, Ph.D.]],  Office: KN:B-214 [[tomas.neustupa@fs.cvut.cz|RNDr. Tomáš Neustupa, Ph.D.]],  Office: KN:B-214
/data/www/mat.nipax.cz/data/pages/mathematics/mathematics_i.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/05/10 07:21 autor: Tomáš Bodnár

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