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Mathematics I

This course is intended for foreign students studying at our faculty and domestic students who registered it.


Introduction to linear algebra - vectors, vector spaces, matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations. Analytic geometry in E3 - straight lines and planes. Calculus of functions of one variable - limit, continuity, derivative, extremes, behaviour of a function, indefinite integral, methods of integration, definite integral.


Mgr. Ing. Tomáš Bodnár, PhD., Office: KN:D-303

  • lectures: Monday, 15:00 - 16:30 and Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30.

RNDr. Tomáš Neustupa, Ph.D., Office: KN:B-214

  • tutorials: Tuesday, 16:00 - 17:30 and Thursday 10:45 - 12:15.

In the case of any problem (especially with assessments from tutorials, or with exams) contact your teacher.

Tutorials, assessments

Tutorials are obligatory. Assessment from tutorials (written in the study record) confirms student's presence and activity at the tutorials and elaboration of homework and tests. Assessment is a necessary condition for the exam. (I.e.~student can make the exam only with the assessment written in the study record.) The assessments are written in the last semestral week, not later than one week after. Exceptions are possible only with the explicit agreement of the chair of the institute.


Students can choose between the levels A (Alpha-standard) or B (Beta-lower), not later than 2 days before the exam. The exam has a written form. Students are supposed to know and understand notions named in the plan of lectures, to know and understand named theorems (including their assumptions) and to be able to apply the theorems to simple problems. Students are recommended to solve individually problems from exam tests from previous years. The level of these problems corresponds to the exam of level A. Material required for the exam of level A coincides with the contents of lectures and with the contents of tutorials. The difference between the exams of levels A and B is especially in the choice and complexity of problems solved in the exam test.

There are several necessary conditions to be fulfilled by students in order to be admitted to the exam:

  • Student must have a valid assessment from tutorials registered in the electronic system KOS. (students without valid assessment can't subscribe for the exam)
  • Student has to subscribe (register) in the KOS system for the chosen date and level of the exam. (students who will be not subscribed for the exam in the KOS system can't participate in the exam)
  • Student should come to the exam in time, i.e. he/she should be present in the examination room at least 10 minutes before the official start of the exam. (students who will come late, will be not allowed to participate in the exam)

These conditions will be followed strictly, without any exceptions.

The detailed information will be available in the Notice of exams from Mathematics I for the academic year 2017/18 (will be published in December 2017).

Advantage of exam level A: The exam of level A provides three more credits than the exam of level B. Students, who finish the named courses (exact information on the list of these courses is provided by the study department) with the exam of level A, can complete the bachelor programme already after three years (in an individual study programme) and they are accepted to the master programme without entrance exams.


  • Neustupa, J.: Mathematics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 1996,
  • Finney, R. L., Thomas, G.B.: Calculus, Addison-Wesley, New York, Ontario, Sydney, 1994
  • Selected problems from the textbook Problems in Mathematics I (the textbook is in Czech only)
  • Selected problems from the exam tests in previous years


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